I want to ask question related the automation i created

i want to ask question related to the automation that i have created but i am not sure on which step i did wrong and for that i wanted to upload my work but uiforum not letting me to add attachment as i am new user.:roll_eyes: so can someone tell me how should i ask the doubt because writing all step is quit hectic work.

Rather to upload the file and telling the full process, we can discuss about the issue that
you faced or how to do performance tuning with your process
Kindly share those details which is not a big deal i hope buddy
Cheers @abhilashshekhar


  1. please share your question… don’t feel hectic… because you need more patience for automation development.
  2. Explain with screenshot. This will explain more clarity to the ppl who wanted to answer/help you.

hope you will come up with your questions…

okay then i will try to be specific with my problem

hi, i am creating a bot to extract data from data table in acme.test.uipath. i am getting that data and storing that in excel sheet1. But, i want the rows that contain WI2 (Type). and store it in another sheet how to get it please help me.