I need to split the date , time , messages and name

actually its a message from telegram i used data scraping to read all the messages then i used for each row to iterate the messages then the messages comes with the empty spaces i used myString.Replace(Environment.newLine,“”) to remove the spaces then i used append line to check the output in the text file now i need to split the date , time , messages, names and as variable and store it the db. new.txt (3.3 KB)

thats exactly what i want any one help me with this please!

if you are looking for something like this then i have attached the flow hope it would be of help


RegEx.zip (14.1 KB)

yeah exact!

text file is not the input its iterated fro the messages in telegram and if the new messages is added the pattern will change ahh?

im sorry i didn’t get you. can you pls elaborate a bit?

from the group messages i need to split name as a variable , time as a variable, date as a variable and time as variable so that i can insert into the database.

Textreadingsequence12.xaml (196.4 KB) from the above sequence i need to split the messages with sender name , date, time, messages, and store it a db that what the process is i used data scraping to read the messages and i iterated the messages using for each

Help me with this i have stucked with this more than three days!
