I need to pass the dynamic selector in the click activity but here the problem my variable is string array is it possible to pass dynamic like this arr(0)
I am not not able to find my string array also at the dynamic selector
Do one thing create a variable called Str1 = Arr_Str(0).toString
Str1 holds the first item in Array of String variable. Then you can pass the Str1 to the selector to make it dynamic.
Hope it helps!!!
@venkatsai_bonam you can pass it in the properties panel like this!
This process I know but I am asking is it possible or not to pass the variable like this array(0)
Can you make it clear didn’t get u
No You can’t directly pass the Array(0) to the selectors, you have to follow a other way… @venkatsai_bonam
Hope you understand!!
@venkatsai_bonam @mkankatala
just expand the properties panel and change the selector as shown in the image…
if your selector is
"<webctrl id = 'test' />"
simply change it to
"<webctrl id = '"+arr(0).toString+"' />"
look at my image above…
if i can pass mappingTable(foundRow)("Webpage ID").toString
to the selector then you can definitely pass arr(0).tostring
Thank you jack really helpful
Jack here the challange is my selector is not showing in child tag it is a text we should pass the array(0) In the properties if we click on the target in the text option i can find my selector with text there only i cann pass that selector value i didn’t find any where in the strict or fuzzy panel in the uiexplorer
you cannot change it in uiexplorer, just let it be the default value and confirm the selector,
after that just change it in properties panel
Instead of using the Classic activity I want to use Modern Click activity, is it possible to pass the Array(0) in the aaname attribute in UI explorer… @jack.chan
If yes, then show me an example to do it.
Check this:-
cant do it in uiexplorer but you can do it in properties panel as i mentioned already
its the same for classic or modern activity , just that for classic activity you are editing the “selector” property whereas for modern it can be fuzzy/strict selector etc…
There in the selector Text column was there right there you passed current item there can I able pass array(0) or not
Currentitem.value u wrote right in this what is value what value u are call gime me example