Input : {“DynamicProperties”:{“CompanyCode”:“5405”,“DocumentNumber”:“3900005542”,“InvoiceReferenceNumber”:“000001731-1”,“Supplier”:“6000009”,“Operation Type”:“Park Invoice”}}
Output : 3900005542
How to get this output?
Input : {“DynamicProperties”:{“CompanyCode”:“5405”,“DocumentNumber”:“3900005542”,“InvoiceReferenceNumber”:“000001731-1”,“Supplier”:“6000009”,“Operation Type”:“Park Invoice”}}
Output : 3900005542
How to get this output?
the input looks like a JSON string and therefore we recommend to use JSON oriented approaches instead of Regex:
UPD1 - added hint:
in Addition to above:
kindly note the nested structure and the need of using
myJObject → (“DynamicProperties”) ← (“DocumentNumber”).Value(Of String)
regex.xlsx (10.5 KB)
This is the input excel file .In this need to refer column “Specific data” . I need to extract the number and paste it in the column H “document number” column.Can you create workflow using deseralize json as you suggested
would be the same approach
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(strJson)("DynamicProperties")("DocumentNumber").Value(Of String)
fee free to prototype it within the immediate panel
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Thanks for your help.
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