I need help counting the number of rows with a number of blanks and filled count from a specific column name place in datatable
for example
Data.123.xlsx (8.0 KB)
I need help counting the number of rows with a number of blanks and filled count from a specific column name place in datatable
for example
Data.123.xlsx (8.0 KB)
when it is about counting all rows where the place column is blank:
Assign Activity
myCount | int32 =
YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (x) isNothing(x("Place")) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Place").toString.Trim)).Count
will this expression will give count of both blanks and filled from column name place
no, will count the blank ones
We can calculate the filled ones count by
Assign Activity:
myFilledCount = yourDataTableVar.Rows.Count - myCount
myCount is the Variable from above
Or just modify the LINQ and count the filled ones
actually i have to send this details in outlook mail.can u plz send a work flow aim a new to uipath
Lets scope the topic requests
this one for counting the blanks / filled ones
Create another one for the email sending where you describe all details about the content / email body you want to generate …
We scope topics as other researchers can faster find similar cases and its solution
Thanks for support
how to write linq expression for filled ones…below one is not working
This one is working for blanks but for the filled one i need expression in linq
which one? What is not working?
we just negate the condition
YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (x) Not (isNothing(x("Place")) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Place").toString.Trim))).Count