I need a regex to find U.S. Based addres

I required a regex find all the address of U.S. based
it can be one line or two line address

“number street|name|p.o. box city, state(NY), zip”
samples are:-

  1. 101 Hwy 71 North, DeQueen, AR 71102
  2. 4900 N. Wyatt Dr, ElDorado, AR 71021
  3. 800 OLIVE DRIVE, DAVIS, CA 95616
  4. 91 RT 163, PO BOX 335, MONTVILLE, CT 06353
  5. 1644 Market Drive
    Atlanta, GA 30316

Another format for total amount:-

  1. Grand Total $3,100.12
  2. INSURANCE PAY 4,092.00
  3. Net Total: 5,974.84
  4. Net Total: 1,359.83
  5. Net Total 6,414.88


Patience is a virtue.

Try using this Regex Pattern:
.* \D\D \d\d\d\d\d|\d* .\n. \D\D \d\d\d\d\d

If this worked for you, please mark as resolved :slight_smile:


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Was there a second question with those amounts?