I’m unable to install the Salesforce-related package, "UIPathTeam.Salesforce.Lightning.Platform.Activities," as it indicates that the package is not supported

I can’t install the Salesforce-related package “UIPathTeam.Salesforce.Lightning.Platform.Activities,” as it indicates that the package is not supported.


Has anyone encountered this specific issue during package installation and can provide guidance on resolving it? We’re also unable to integrate it with the Salesforce app.

Hello @muhammadarsalan.b

Welcome to the community!

Since you are using Cross platform project.
This package wouldn’t be usable.

Look for a package which just has backend integration. Or use integration services.

Happy Automation! :smiley:


I’m just getting these two options while creating the new process. I have seen on multiple platform that “legacy” should be there but i guess that is the latest package and it does not support salesforce activity. Can you please guide where it can see these “Integration service” or “backend integration”

@ adiijaiin