I have to remove the unnecessary data from variable value


Either you use matches.First().ToString() or you use firstMatch, depending on how you configured your activity (please refer to the screenshot).

The output that i am getting is

Is your input data correctly filled in? Did you check the content of the variable you’re passing?
Also, where does “InputFilePath” come from?

If your input data is in a text file, then:

  • Use a Read Text File activity to read the input data to a string
  • Pass that string as input to the Matches activity
  • Configure the Matches activity so that it has variables for Output and First Match
  • Use Log Message to print the First Match

For example, I’ve copied your sample text in a .txt file.
Here’s my full sequence:


The input variable holds the content of the file (with your sample data).

This variable is used as input of the Matches activity:


in properties i am unable to see output attribute

There is result option right the output of Matches is stored in Result option only. In the below of matches activity use the log message box activity in that give like this
InputFilePath(0).toString then you can get the output

It’s called Result. You’ll have to get the 1st element from that list (so, Result.First().ToString() or Result(0).ToString()