I have to find particular string from my excel data table using If condition

I have to find particular string from my excel data table using If condition , any one help please
I have to find ‘No’ string in screenshot

Excel_Dt.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r) r.ItemArray.Any(Function(o) o.ToString.Contains(“No”)))…this condition not working


as No is in header…read the datatable with read range activity with header unchecked

alternately you can use find/replace activiity as well



dt1.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(x) x.ItemArray.Any(Function(a) a.ToString.trim.Equals("No")))

if you want to use for each row in datatable activity

inside use if activity condition as

CurrentRow.ItemArray.any(Function(a) a.ToString.trim.Equals("No"))

@Shiva_Nikhil Conditions not worked

No is not a Header, Data extract from web and put in excel after we have to find No having or not


What I mean was No is there in first row…so please check if the first row is considered as header then remove it and then search

dt1.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(x) x.ItemArray.Any(Function(a) a.ToString.ToLower.trim.Contains("no")))


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Excel_Dt.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r) r.ItemArray.Any(Function(o) o.ToString.Trim.Contains(“No”)))

Using this condition but not worked :upside_down_face:


what is not working?

it returns true or false


It’s going false condtion Anil

Check anil


can you print the datatable and highlight where no is present in it please



that is what I a trying to explain…that no is in first row…please check if the first row is taken as header

can you please open locals panel when debugging and check the datatable there


can you send sample workflow for understand


Okay do one thing after reading data to datatable

please use a log message and write this inside it String.Join(",",dt.Rows(0).ItemArray.ToArray)

show us the output of it



that means the data thats is there in first row which contains a no is taken as column anme and not data

try this

dt1.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(x) x.ItemArray.Any(Function(a) a.ToString.ToLower.trim.Contains("no"))) OrElse (From dc In dt.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn) Select dc.ColumnName).ToArray().Any(Function(a) a.ToString.ToLower.trim.Contains("no"))


Thanks Anil Your patience, Finally Its worked :hugs:


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Try to use: Excel_Dt.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r) r.ItemArray.Any(Function(o) If(o.ToString.Contains(“No”), True, False)))

This command line ensures that the condition evaluates to either True or False.

If the issue still persist, attempt to check:

The data type compatibility by ensuring that the data type of the column you’re searching is compatible with the ToString method. If the column contains non-string data, you might need to convert it appropriately.


Awesome glad it helped…Can you please mark solution and close this
