"1m53s1m38s1m47s1m3s49s53s1m4s1m0s2m27s"I have this string and i want always to extract only last time which is 2m27s but this time is always changing sometimes with ddmdds and somtimes dmds or ddmds and so on , How to achieve that in UiPath studio
Might be any variable is holding this string value, You have to make a Assign Activity which holds this Right(YourVariableName_WhichHoldStringValue,5) and call this value into Message Box or Log Message activity.
Like this,
I hope this is helpful to you.
I Appreciate it, but using Rejex might be the last option when we’re building a project.
This statement is from my Mentor.
Hi @rawanghurab1
you can use regex it will get last time from any chaning time.
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(text, “\d{1,2}m\d{1,2}s(?:(?!.\d{1,2}m\d{1,2}s).$)”).Value
You can use the below expression to get the last time from the Input String, Store the input data in a variable called Input.
- Assign -> Input = "1m53s1m38s1m47s1m3s49s53s1m4s1m0s2m27s"
- Assign -> Output = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(Input.toString, "\d+m?\d+s?").Cast(Of Match)().Last.toString
Check the below workflow for better understanding,
Hope it helps!!
Hi @rawanghurab1 ,
regular Expression used in Matches Activity is
Matches Activity will generate a output of type IEnumerable
To get the Last Value :
Hope this helps you out.
Happy Automating…!
Thank you for your support but What if the last time only have s like 45s without m?
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