I have created in Arguments in for extracted data values, when I am Assigning the values it is not coming. guide me how to do


Hi @Manju_Reddy_Kanughula

What is the error showing in the assign activity?

Have you create an Status as a variable or Argument?


Hi @Manju_Reddy_Kanughula

In the Import Arguments can you check that the direction of the “Status” variable is set to Out or In/Out

I have given in/out

Like Argument only

Hi @Manju_Reddy_Kanughula

Can you show us the Argument screenshot?

Hi @Manju_Reddy_Kanughula

Have you try to change the Direction of “Status”


yes i tried in direction also

Try to remove the Assign activity and use again the Assign activity and check it @Manju_Reddy_Kanughula

I tried it is not working

You don’t have a variable named Status or it’s not available to the scope that Assign is in.