I have a trouble with Orchestrator v2019-fastTrack first login

Installer(.exe or .msi): UiPathPlatformInstaller.exe

License type(Free, Trial/License code):Trial


Hello folks!
Please somebody help me=) Recently, I’ve installed a trial version of Orchestrator v2019-fastTrack with all prerequisites checked on Windows Server 2016 Dc, but I have a trouble with first login. Default credentials doesn’t work.
Did anyone have similar issue?
Thanks in advance, looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards, Nestor

Hi, Nelevit!

I have the same issue, keep me posted on that issue.

I’ve found the solution!!!

For your first time login, please see the following credentials:

Tenant: Default
Username: admin
Password: 890iop

If this doesn’t work, please reset the password by running the following sql query in your db replacing %UIPATH ORCHESTRATOR DATABASE NAME% with the name of your db:

Set password=‘ALWTidnzgaDN04zwfIjlx3ogbXNNer7/QbO9y3Q4LV/MLY+2TaazMLEggpO8/b7/Kg==’, IsFirstLogin=‘1’
where UserName=‘admin’ AND TenantId=‘1’

Once you have done so, return to the login page and try the same credentials again and you will be prompted with a page to change your password.

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