I have a sample workflow to extract specific information from pdf but i could not utilize in my workflow

I have a sample workflow to extract specific information from pdf but i could not utilize in my workflow, I need someone to guide me in making few changes in the workflow so that it can be tailor made to my requirement and workflow can run.

i have worflow to extract specific information from pdf but it runs from orchestrator which i am not aware of how to configure the flow as per orchestrator. I need to change the worflow to run it from my local machine.

anyone available for quick connect. I am already in meeting and waiting for someone to connect


Hi @Ayesha_Ijaz what issue you are facing let me know what help you need?

Hi Akash, just need to understand where output is saved. quick connect again

Hi @Ayesha_Ijaz I hope you now understand how document understanding works

Please mark as solution if you found useful

Happy Automation

Thank you so much for your valuable assistance, Akash. I truly appreciate your efforts in not only resolving the issue but also identifying the root cause. Your technical expertise and thorough analysis clearly demonstrate your proficiency in the field. Will document the solution shortly.

Happy to help you can you please mark as solution

here are the steps which was added inorder to extract specific content/image from pdf into excel.

workflow steps

load taxonomy

for each current text

digitized document

in it UiPath OCR is used.

classify document scope

intelligent keyword classifier used within the classify document scope

Data extraction scope

machine leaning extractor, form extractor, generative extractor

export extraction results

Assign activity to loop through particular directory.

write cell workbook activity to extract the specific content which i was looking for.

Thanks for mentioning details steps which helps others as well!

Happy Automation

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