I had a excel which has project ID but problem is cell of project ID get change whenever new excel come. How to get that ID

I had a excel which has project ID but problem is cell of project ID get change whenever new excel come. How to get that ID.
Like in current attached sheet Project ID is in I2 cell but it might change for other excel it might come in G2 or D2 or K2. How to achieve this707402681_UNITS_Summary.xlsx (11.5 KB)

Is the project ID always on row 2? Is it always 9 digits? Can it contains letters? If it’s only digits, is it always the only number in row 2?

Yes its always in row2 and always be numeric but yes column change

Column change means always last column ?


Yes always last column

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Use the “Find Last Column” activity to find the last column. after that concatenate the Column value with 2.

Video explanation :


Getting this error

If you don’t want to use a custom activity you can always get the last column like this:

ProjectID = DT.Rows(1).ItemArray(DT.Rows(1).ItemArray.Count-1).ToString

Row(0) - first row
Row(1) - second row

See attached file for an example. GetLastColumn.xaml (5.1 KB)

Hi @Puneet_Singh1,

Use the excel scope from BalaReva → EasyExcel-> Main. like below.


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