I can't modify selector Type Into



Click on the three lines and click EDIT SELECTOR so that you will be able to edit the selector
if not kindly reselect the element and try once

Cheers @Soudios

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When i click on EDIT SELECTOR i have the image i sent before, but when i want to select again the barre adresse it does’t recognize it and click somewhere else

kindly delete that activity and insert a new TYPE INTO activity and reselect that element once again @Soudios

Doesn’t work, but it works when i disable simulate click

yah sometimes TYPE INTO activity wont take SIMULATE for specific applications

ok so the only solution is to not use Simulate Click ?

yah @Soudios

Thanks you @Palaniyappan

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Cheers @Soudios

I am on firefox, there is a problem with this browser ?

no unless if we havent installed FIREFOX extension

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