I am trying to take a screenshot with locked screen, running BOT via Orchestrator but getting null reference error

I am trying to take a screenshot with locked screen, running BOT via Orchestrator but getting object null reference error. Same thing If I execute with unlocked screen it works fine. Tried different stuff but unable to proceed. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

NOTE: I am not passing any selector in take screenshot activity as I want full screen screenshot.


Is it unattended BOT ?

yes it is unattended bot

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Set WaitForReady field to None and then try once. And also have you assigned output to variable of type Image or not ?

Okay will try that.Thanks Yes i’ve assigned output to image variable

tried with None not working


I am also using Unattended BOT only and it’s working fine from my end without any issues.

can you send me xaml, I can check

Since it is unattended bot, it should work in locked screen if your bot user has admin rights on that machine


Thank you Nivedita. That helps a Lot…!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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