I am trying to solve a project

I am trying to solve a project where I have an excel sheet with two columns A and B and they have values under. I need to create a flow so that the value of column A subtracts the value from B else if the value in column A is less than the one in B it multiples and is stored in the column result. Since I am a new user, I cannot upload attachments

the link for the problem

the link above has the problem. Can someone help me deduce it?

This subtracts A from B or multiplies A*B if A is smaller than B and writes everything into C
You can modify the output location to where you want with the letters in Write Cell.
The Write Cell Activity is under Workbook > WriteCell. OR you can use the Excel Write Cell in an Excel Application Scope.

We start reading from A2 to skip the Header. If you have no header then change to A1 accordingly and for the result “C” + (1+rowIndex)

For Each Row Activity:
Input(DataTable): DT_Input
Output (index) : rowIndex

Hope this is what you needed

Hey @TastyToast Hans thanks for the response. I already managed to solve the first part watching tutorials on youtibe. I am trying to solve the next ones. uipath-task — ImgBB