I am facing validation error (Failed to create server type from text live)

Hi ,

I am facing this validation error in my project - Failed to create server type from text live.
I am not able to open those particular xaml files where I have this error(screen shot attached)

Any suggestion would be helpful
Thanks in Advance


Can you please try to create some fresh new project and then check it once.

HI @hemasai.06

Click on close and open it again and check once i got same error “Document is invalid” by doing this it got opened for me


HI @Gokul001 ,
I tried to close and open still facing same error

for these version of packages(pic-1).it is not showing any error
But for these version(pic-2). It is showing error

Any idea how to solve

And your studio version is?

studio version is 2019

If you are not having any license can you upgrade the version ?
