Hypertext link email

Hello everyone,

I want to access to a page web from an hypertext link received in my email, the email looks like this

The link is in [Notes Link] i tried this reg expression :
(?<=HYPERLINK ")(.*)(?="Click) and it’s doesn’t work for me i had this msg
can someone help me please

Hi @amougari

I think you are trying to convert the whole match enumerable into a string.
Try to convert the first element found in your match since it should be one note link that you want to extract.

To do this try writing this in the message box text : yourMatchName(0).ToString


Than u @reda but when i do this i have another error msg :thinking:


my workflow looks like this :


It’s because the RegEx has failed to detect the hyperlink, so the enumerable is empty that’s why you get the error.

@reda so do you think that my reg expression is not correct ? if yes can you or someone else help me to have a correct one referring to my workflow to solve my problem please