Hundreds of validation errors after upgrade to UiPath Studio 2023.4.2

I upgraded my studio and now I am getting hundreds of validation errors. Some of these don’t make any sense. Anyone have any ideas how to resolve this?


Can you please try playing around with you system pckages

Alternately rename your project.json and check if that resolves sot hat new references are added

Also if you are using any variables ehich are reseved key words tye changing them Like if ther eis a variable names count …please change it…this is just an example


It seems as though it might be a case sensitivity/syntax issue. One of the validation issues I was able to clear was a DataTable initialized as new datatable(). i was able to clear the error by changing it to new DataTable() and another issue was a variable assigned with FolderFiles.Count. Changing it to FolderFiles.Count() fixed the error. Is there an easier way to fix these issues without manually going through them all? It’s a large project so don’t really want to have to manually fix them all.