HTTP Request -> How to set that simple authentication will be used

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maybe I don’t fully understand what UiPath is doing in this “Http Request” activity.
There is a “Configure” button and there you can set various options. One of them is “Authentication”. If I set this to “Simple HTTP”, this value is not permanent. After I close the configuration field by clicking “OK” and reopen it, the value is still “none”. I think this kind of behavior is a bug!
Well, that’s not the only problem. I’m building an XML string and I want to send it to a URL. To do this, I use the properties to create the request. I use a username and password for authentication.
In SoapUI, the query works if I set the WSS-Password Type parameter to the value “PasswordText”.
In UiPath, I entered the password and username under “simple authentication” in the properties. I always get error 500 with the text “These policy alternatives cannot be satisfied…”
I can’t find a way to define that this authentication should be used.
Can someone please tell me how I can do this or which alternative I should use.
Thanks in advance

  1. Review the successful HTTP Request Log and the request. Try to use Fiddler Classic.
  2. Copy the complete body (that includes both headers like Wss:PasswordType and body) , send it in the Body property in the same format in the HTTP Request activity and after update the Body format to text/xml
  3. Retry


Are you using this activity?

Alternately you can follow this as well


Thank you for the answer.
Soap-Request activity works only if I would create a Windows Legacy project. In this documentation is mentioned that in this case the usage of HTTP-Request activity is recommended.
So I will test, whether I can use Coded Workflow…
Kind regards

Thank you. I followed your suggestion and so I coud find a header that I needed.
After that I created a template with placeholders “{nameofplaceholder}”.
I use read text to read the template into a string. Also I created a dictionary(name, value) which contains all placeholders and the values. In a loop I replace all placeholders with the values and so I get a XML string that I successfully send to the server.
Kind regards

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