HTTP Request body not working

I am trying to use the HTTP request. Authentication is ok but I can’t get the body correct. I found posts about using 2 double quotes and some showed 3. I have tried with both.
“”_key"“+”“1029384||Acme Widget Corp||0.319"”,
““Analyst Notes””:““Here are Default notes To test With””,
and with 3
“”“_key”“”:“”“1029384||Acme Widget Corp||0.319"”“,
“”“Analyst Notes””“:”““Here are Default notes To test With””“,

I have put double quotes around the whole thing
“”_key”“+”“1029384||Acme Widget Corp||0.319"”,
““Analyst Notes””:““Here are Default notes To test With””,

and with 3 double quotes
“””_key"“”:“”“1029384||Acme Widget Corp||0.319"”“,
“”“Analyst Notes””“:”““Here are Default notes To test With””“,

Not matter what flavor I use I always get an error Compiler errors( encountered processing expresion … String constants must end with a double quote.

I also tried using variables, and using CHR(34)+ to no avail. I simply can’t get the double quotes into the body. I am using Studio 21.4.5.

I tried with 21.10.6 and get the same results.

Hi @dalton.ruer

How about writing the body to a text file and then reading the text file using Read Text File Activity.
By this you want have to bother about the double quotes.



The output of Read Text File Activity is a String Variable (Body). You can use this variable in the HTTP Request activity directly.

body.txt (164 Bytes)
ReadBody.xaml (4.9 KB)

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