How would I write Less than or Equal to 2?

Hi Guys how would I write something that is less than or equal to? Such as in my for each I want to do a have less than or equal to 2.

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Hi @seanp92

For Each in datatable


Ashwin S

I need it for a just for each not for each row in data table

Hi @seanp92

What is ur requirement?

Ashwin S

Hi Ashwin, I have a few instances where my bot might have to hit the OK button on oracle at lease 2 times. So I want to do a foreach loop that is less that or equal to 2 so it will hit the OK button up to 2 times if that element exists. And if its one it will hit once than break and continue for the rest of the process.

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rather to for each loop we can use WHILE loop with condition we want like less than or greater a counter variable so that it would repeat the process till the value we specify reaches the counter may be like this counter < 3 where counter is a variable of type int32 with default value as 0 defined in the variable panel

Cheers @seanp92

instead of For Each loop we can use WHILE loop with condition we want like less than or greater a counter variable so that it would repeat the process till the value we specify reaches the counter may be like this counter < 3 where counter is a variable of type int32 with default value as 0 defined in the variable panel

–inside the loop use a elememt exists activity and get the output with a varaible of type boolean named bool_element
–now use a if condition like this
bool_element = True
if the condition passes it will go to THEN part where we can use a SEND HOT KEY ACTIVITY with key as enter

–at last in the THEN part use a assign activity to increment the counter variable
like this
counter = counter + 1