Lets leverage UiPath’s out-of-the-box (OOB) automations for Outlook and integrate them with UiPath Autopilot. These tools empower business users to handle common tasks efficiently and with zero coding required.
What makes these automations amazing?
Time-Saving: Skip building custom automations—use pre-built ones from UiPath Marketplace.
Efficiency Boost: Focus on strategy while UiPath handles repetitive tasks.
Easy Deployment: Seamlessly integrate automations with Autopilot via Solutions Management.
Key Automations for Outlook:
Email Management:
- Send, forward, and respond to emails.
- Delete or move emails to specific folders.
- Download attachments effortlessly.
Calendar Management:
- Schedule, update, and remove events.
- Forward invites and update RSVPs (accept/tentative/decline).
Task Management:
- Create, update, complete, and delete tasks.
Contact Management:
- Retrieve contact details via email and calendar functions.
Email & Event Retrieval:
- Get details of emails or events and filter based on specific criteria.
Ready to explore?
Download these automations directly from the UiPath Marketplace:
Go to Marketplace > Collections > Autopilot for Everyone Automations
Watch my video here:
Let’s take automation to the next level and empower every business user!