How UiPath Autopilot & Outlook Automations can simplify Business Processes?

Lets leverage UiPath’s out-of-the-box (OOB) automations for Outlook and integrate them with UiPath Autopilot. These tools empower business users to handle common tasks efficiently and with zero coding required. :computer::sparkles:

:briefcase: What makes these automations amazing?

:heavy_check_mark: Time-Saving: Skip building custom automations—use pre-built ones from UiPath Marketplace.
:heavy_check_mark: Efficiency Boost: Focus on strategy while UiPath handles repetitive tasks.
:heavy_check_mark: Easy Deployment: Seamlessly integrate automations with Autopilot via Solutions Management.

:key: Key Automations for Outlook:

:e-mail: Email Management:

  • Send, forward, and respond to emails.
  • Delete or move emails to specific folders.
  • Download attachments effortlessly.

:date: Calendar Management:

  • Schedule, update, and remove events.
  • Forward invites and update RSVPs (accept/tentative/decline).

:white_check_mark: Task Management:

  • Create, update, complete, and delete tasks.

:busts_in_silhouette: Contact Management:

  • Retrieve contact details via email and calendar functions.

:mag: Email & Event Retrieval:

  • Get details of emails or events and filter based on specific criteria.

:hammer_and_wrench: Ready to explore?
Download these automations directly from the UiPath Marketplace:
Go to Marketplace > Collections > Autopilot for Everyone Automations

:point_right: Watch my video here:

Let’s take automation to the next level and empower every business user!