Hi I compared two excel work books columns and where column values are matching in need to write the value in beside column of it can any one help me with this. I attached screenshot also
Buddy @ryava_santhoshi
once after this if condition
use assign activity like buddy in THEN or ELSE part as per your validation
row(col_index) = “the value you want to enter”
col_index = dtValue.Columns.IndexOf(“MetricId”)+1
Thats all buddy
Cheers @ryava_santhoshi
Did that work buddy @ryava_santhoshi
thank you so much for quick reply @Palaniyappan alaniyappan
here I am attaching my excel workbooks. first I need to compare these excel workbook MetricId columns. where ever both columns are matching I need to enter the Value1 column values from value excelworkbook to master exceldataworkbook. Can you please watch them once and confirm me. I compare them but how to use write cell in value1 columnwhere they both matchingMasterdata.xlsx (11.2 KB)
Value.xlsx (11.1 KB)
Buddy @ryava_santhoshi
its resolved buddy
here you go, run it buddy, you can see the result in Masterdata.xlsx - sheet2
col.zip (18.9 KB)
Hi @Palaniyappan thank you so much for quick help, but when I tried to open this. I am getting this error not able to open this xmal. can you please help me with this.
buddy @ryava_santhoshi
see this and kindly let know buddy
@Palaniyappan, I did as in above suggestion but still not working. i am using 2016 version maybe you dev in 2018 version. if possible can you please put snipping shots of this ( I mean screenshots of this).
got solution thank you so much for quick answer @Palaniyappan
Thats great, buddy
if so kindly make a solution buddy
in write cell if you want to put in column D which is beside to matching column write at cell value as “D”+Convert.Tostring(Rowindex+2)
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