How to when no result from web after search Then Loop Continual. Please Help


My Process search data from web . Get attribute Activity
-(right side) if have the result write Line in the path It Ok
-(left side) if no result write Line to the path :empty and Loop.Please Help

But I Get the Error what should I do?

Thank you

Hello @punnipah

You can use element exists or check app activity to check the existance of Invoice data. Then you it is true, you can use Get Attribute.

Otherwise you can use Try catch to continue the process even if there is an exception.

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is it a table or something are you are looping through it and you please specify he context behind looping

Need Some Clarifications regarding this.

  1. You want to get invoice Number and than check if it has value or not.
    • If it has value you are printing it and if it does not have any value than you want to
      move to get another invoice number Right?

Can you share Link of the Webpage from where you are trying to get Invoice Number?


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I use element exists but have Error

@punnipah Whats the error that you are getting? I think you need to fine tune the selector in Element exists.

Can you check the selector and confirm any dynamic values are there?If yes, replace with *

You want to get invoice Number and than check if it has value or not.
  • Yes Some time it no have data.
    If it has value you are printing it and if it does not have any value than you want to
    move to get another invoice number Right?

Can you share Link of the Webpage from where you are trying to get Invoice Number?
-can’t to share Webpage

Please Validate Selectors of Get Attribute Activity and Check if it is Highlighting Invoice Number Field Properly?


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Ex.This is data no Result it will be an empty And I want to skip

Ex.This is data have Result And I want to write line (It Done)

Have you Checked Selectors of This Field?

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This is data no Result it will be an empty And I want to skip


Try Indicating Anchor Element to your Selector.

Select Invoice Number Text to Indicate Anchor Element.

OR Try Get text Activity if Get Attribute activity does not work and Than Check in If Condition
not string.IsNullOrEmpty(GettextopVariable).tostring is yes Than WriteLine and if No Than Go to Check another Invoice Number.


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instead of css selector it will be good to use some other attributes

Thank you Very much

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