How to use Uipath in Azure?


I wanted to know the integration between MS Azure and Uipath. I has a c# code which download the file from Azure container. When i asked I got suggestion that we can run the c# code in Uipath using Auto hot key.
I want to know whether we can run all the c# codes in Uipath using Auto hot key?
Is there any easy way to make Uipath to work in Azure?
Is there any other programming language which can be used in Uipath?
Can we use Python or Power shell in Uipath?
Could anyone please share information related to integration between MS Azure and Uipath?

Thanks much.

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hi @sreeprasad can use the phython for the below post can use the Azure in UiPath

we can use the auto hot key activity while integrating the azure and UiPath

Ashwin S


We have successfully deployed the UiPath orchestrator as a PaaS web application to Azure. Can I answer any questions for you?


can you share some information like prequisites, requirements etc. we are teying to deploy orchestrator as service, sql as service, studio/agent (vm) and sql as a service. We want to start with orchestrator. Any help is needed. Thanks

Hi @creative

You can check our documentation for more information :slight_smile:


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Just be sure to grant the SQL account you specify in the connection string access to the MASTER database, not just the UiPath Application database. Otherwise, when the “database migrations” step occurs you will get an invalid username or password error and not be able to figure out why :slight_smile:

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