How to use the "Immediate Window"

In the new Versions of UIPath there is this thing called Immediate Window.
As far as I understand, one should use this window to get a better overview of variables and methods, is this correct?
As described here

So far so good, but I dont know, how I can access it. If I want to type into the panel, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong or is the window still in beta?

Thank you!

Which version of UiPath Studio are you using?

In the latest version (2019.8) I know the forum post said you’re only able to type into the Immediate window when debugging a process:

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Hi, thank you for your answer!
That is correct, I am using 19.8 as a Community version.
Whenever I am debugging and I try to type into the Immediate Window, nothing happens :confused:
E.g. in the screenshot above, I am in debug mode and it is still not possible to type anything…
Do I have to enable something?

I am facing same issue now, when i am using DU framework template.
version: 2021.10


Important to notice; you can’t type directly in Immediate window! Look below for the textbox where you can type in.