How to use textinfo variable to click a particular position? I have array of textinfo variables, what I want to do is to click the position contained in them one by one. How should I supposed to do it?
—let’s take that we have a variable named out_texinfo_arr if type array of Uipath.Core.TextInfo
—now use a for each loop activity and pass the above variable as input and change the type argument property as Uipath.Core.Textinfo
—inside the loop use a activity called Click Text activity where pass the input as item.Text.ToString so that it will click on the text found on the page
—or we can assign that to a string variable as well and pass it as input to a click activity selector in specific to a attribute like aaname like this
aaname = ‘ “ + variablename.ToString + “ ‘
Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Rajas_Deshpande
Thanx for response.
Click text activity is not working! It always give ‘method or operation not implemented’ error. So, what should I do?
(Okay, I can anyways try click ocr text, and let you know!)
if you don’t mind asking what is textinfo and where i can find more details about it.
Thanks in advance
It worked with click ocr text! Thank you very much !!
For more info on textinfo kindly have a view on this
Hope this would help you
Cheers @mozahra
No worries
Cheers @Rajas_Deshpande
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