How to use Silverlight Recording?

I tried Silverlight Recording for Silverlight website.
How can I solve this problem?

(1) - Silverlight_Developer.exe installed
(2) - Setup Extension
(3) - Launch Silverlight webpage.
(4) - Click website and UiPathExplorer Hunged.

  • Windows7 Pro 32 bit
  • UiPath Studio 2017.1.6435(trial)

Can we have URL for testing?

thank you for reply.
sorry, that URL is local system(cant’t touch from internet).

slinject.exe is loaded everytime.

Perhaps IE may also hang.

  • UiPath Explorer Hang
  • Kill Internet Exproler
  • UiPath Explorer becomes operable(but Recording Halted)

IE ver is 11.0.9600.18665.

Do you mind checking .net framework 4.5.2 and above?
For silverlight troubleshoot

I tried it.

  • Uninstall Silverlight.
  • Execute CleanSilverlight.cmd.
  • Install Silverlight_Developer.exe and Setup Extension.
  • Reboot Computer.

mmm…does not change…

I use .net framework 4.5.2 .



I am also facing issues crashing issues with Silverlight . Taking Screenshot , OCR gets hung .

Studio - 2017.1.6435
Using Windows 10

Any fix ? I’m also getting this error!!

Someone from UiPath can help on this? I used the clean Silverlight bat file and the problem continues.