How to use operators in selectors

My question is about using operators(if, and, or) in selectors.

Is it possible to do something like the following?

In case of notepad,…

wnd app=‘notepad.exe’ cls=‘Notepad’ title=‘XXX’ or ‘ZZZ’

The above does not work.

Thank you.

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Please try using wildcard like ‘*’ or ‘?’ , see if you are able to achieve what you want.

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Thank you for reply.
In terms of what I want to achieve, I think using wildcards is one of the solutions.

Just for curious, could you please point out what is wrong about my notepad example?
Will you able to provide me with a right code?

By my understanding the UiPath Robot wont validates the selector during run time ,it just search for the element in the application according to selector .

Regards Ranjith.

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