How to use NOT INCLUDE in selector?

Window 1 and window 2 have same tittle and I don’t have any unique selector in window 1. But in window 2 I have unique form that I can use in selector. How I can use window 1 in selector?

Is there any NOT INCLUDE wild mark? Or can I somehow take both’s fully selectors to list and make loop that will manually check right one?

One solution is use idx (Toppest window) and if it cannot find right element and return error we try second idx. It’s works but if there is better way I want to find out it.

Not include selector is not available as of now. You can try using parent element references or the attribute that you are getting in window 2 ans not in window 1 as empty value.

  • Use pick activity.
  • Drop two pick branch inside pick.
  • In pick branch 1 trigger, provide find element with window 1 and provide your corresponding actions.
  • In pick branch 2 trigger, provide find element with window 2 and provide your corresponding actions.