How to use Microsoft Teams Scope?

How to use Microsoft Teams Scope? I follow the steps in the Studio Guide, but I always encounter the following problems. How to solve them? Do you have any examples?

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Hi @Doris,

Have you used this one which is form UiPath Go !



Hi, i have same problem despite i have added permissions to my application i can’t work with ms teams. FOr example do simple operation which is “Get Team”

Below example:

AuthenticationType: UsernameAndPassword
Private: Microsoft Teams Scope: AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ named ‘TeamsUiPath’. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.

AuthenticationType: IntercativeToken
Private: Microsoft Teams Scope: User canceled authentication. On an Android device, this could be due to the lack of capabilities, such as custom tabs, for the system browser. See Xamarin Android system browser considerations (MSAL.NET) - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn for more information.

Did you find how to solve this issue? @luksusq