How to use Liste of search (outArgument <getSearch[]> )

Hi Everybody,

I’m trying to get my Zendesk ticket which are ‘open’ status to execute an update.
I can use easily List all Tickets but I don’t want to get all zendesk ticket so I use the Search toi filter my tickets but I don’t know how to manipulate the output list :

for each ticket founded by the search activities I want to get value of some fields and update zendesk tickets.

Thank you for your help


For now, can you try to press Ctrl+K in ListOfSerch property and input variable name? Then suitable type variable (getSeach array) will be created automatically. It can be used in ForEach activity.


Thank you so much I don’t have error but I think I have a probleme to catch results of the search API.

I dont have msgbox so I think my listeRechercheZendesk is empty (but I have some tickets which have Open status)

Can you help me please ?

Hi @jeremy_le_helloco , thanks for reaching out and I can try to help. Pls follow the steps in the recording where I am trying to use the Zendesk Search activity accompanied by a Replace Ticket :slight_smile: . If you need any other help, pls let me know here.
Also attaching my project zip here. (7.7 KB)