How to use Like operator, as a separator, in a Split String Activity

How to use Like operator, as a separator, in a Split String Activity.

here is a random string.

Random String Of Thing
Random string of ThING
Thing of Random Strings
Random things made of strings.
Sunshine rainbow cloud
random STRING of things

I know. It reads well, like a poem.
Anyway, so If I use the LIKE operator in the separator field of the split string activity would it also find string of things?

And how do you use it there? I can test all that other stuff, but how do I use those types of operators in the string arguments of activities.

Hi @HsDev

You can provide string separator “string of things” as an input to String.Split function.

I figured it out. Not sure why it’s working today but not yesterday. I have no answer to the solution. I just used the String split activity, and used the words I wanted to separate with and it’s working. No clue! :upside_down_face: