My project - Robot will open pdf via PDF Element application and select menu, edit and do editing by using type into & click acitvities, keyboard short cut keys too included, without any human interaction in foreground. Same thing need to convert into background process. How to do that?. Please explain.
Hi @sabari1
Firstly, the Keyboard shortcuts will not work at background, instead of that you have to use the Ui activities or any possible activities.
Hope it helps!!
Thanks for your reply.
Click and Type into acitvities will work in background?..please provide the steps to convert the current automation file to run in background.
While it’s possible to make them work, it’s generally not advised to do UI automation in a background automation. This can conflict with other automations running at the same time also trying to do UI automation. Anyway, the way to make it work is to use Simulate and Send Window Messages as the Input mode.
Okay @sabari1
Then follow the below steps to enable to run the bot at background,
Login to Orchestrator → Go to Tenant → Go to Folders tab → Select the Folder → In Accounts&Group Click on three dots → Click on Edit Tenant role & Robot → Go to Robot Settings → In Session settings → Enable the Login console option → Select the No option.
Check the below image for better understanding,
Hope it helps!!
I am not able to find the robot settings. I want to change only that particular file to run in background instead of foreground.
I will not run another automation at same time. Please help how to make the current automation file to use Simulate?
If you aren’t running another automation at the same time, why are you trying to do it as a background automation? Just do it as a normal automation.
As for how to use Simulate etc, I suggest going through all the free training at as it covers these basics of how UI automation works. It’s simply a setting in the activity properties.
Try to change all The input methods to simulate…
Also send hotkeys should be replaced with any other activities
What is your use case for this?
Maybe explain the problem you are trying to solve, there is likely a different solution.
You arrived with a solution without telling us why you need to do it.
Let me explain clearly. I have done a project in ui path studio for edit multiple pdf automatically without human intervention by using click and type into activities. It is being run in foreground. Hence i am not able to do other work while this automation is being done in foreground. so I wish to move this into background activity. Please suggest.
Why are you using Community edition then?
For learning purpose, I am using community edition. Please suggest what should be done to overcome from the above mentioned issue?
Ok, for learning, this is not how you use a background process. Its for things that don’t use Ui.
For things that use Ui you would get an Unattended licence and use a foreground process. There isn’t much point trying to learn a scenario that you will never need to do.
When the task is about editing a pdf we would check the option if we can achieve the same with API / Libraries offering PDF Functionalities
When the task is about learning, then treat it as an outcome
- A goal done manually (asIs) has not to be done mandatory (toBe) as the same
- porting a UI Interaction foreground part to a background part can be possible when doing it different within the toBe