How to use Element On Appear Activity

Hi, I am login to the portal, but here is sometimes it’s skipping username/password to enter. I want to use an element on appearing activity, I don’t want to give delay between the activity.
So can you tell me while using an element on appearing which element I have to capture? should I capture the entire login page or username/password?
I am pasting the screenshot of the page please tell me which I have to capture. so my bot will wait till to fill the credentials.

As I capture the ZipBooks element as you can see above the username. But I got this error,

What is the purpose of the Right side properties highlited.

Please tell me to capture the appropriate element.

Or should I use Find Element? which one is best why we should use it.


Buddy @balkishan

1.what you were doing was correct buddy and this is what those two properties depicts

WaitActive = When it is checked activity will wait until the element becomes active
WaitVisible = When it is checked activity will wait until the element becomes visible in the page

and the reason behind the error was the taken for the element to appear is more than 30 s a default value…so kindly increase the TimeoutMS with more than 30 sec buddy that would work, as you are going good

Kindly try this and let knw buddy

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Hi @balkishan,
Please use Type Into instead and increase the Timeout since the problem is on the Type into :slight_smile:

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@Palaniyappan Thanks for the response bro, As I used this activity. I capture this full image as shown in the post. Inside the Element On Appear Activity, I have used the type in activity to enter the username and password and then click to the login page. It worked fine. But After click I used another click activity to click the Element when the page is login. But it’s clicked the element fine after log in But after that bot is still running. And give me this error

Buddy i think you are not facing with first on element appear i guess may i know why do you use another click after login buddy…? @balkishan

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Bro, there is a pop up comes in when I log in to the page, I have to perform the certain operation so I have to use the activity inside the element on appear scope or outside.

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Dont use that element scope here buddy thats the problem rather you can use just a click activity to close that popup…kindly correct me if have understood your point wrongly @balkishan

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Were you able to rectify it buddy @balkishan

So bro I have to perform the operation where do I use that activity. means inside the portal?

Yes exactly buddy, try to find the element or use click only in the place where you want exactly

Kindly try and let know buddy @balkishan

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After login I have to click here, so where should I use this activity to click on Create an Invoice button, inside the Element On Appear activity scope or outside. I used outside but it doesn’t work.

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Hi @balkishan.

Use a click activity inside the On Element Appear activity.
Then set the ‘Element’ property. Use the output of On Element Appear


Buddy once you login after entering the credentials and passed
it will go to the next page so the selector will get changed, thus on element scope will miss that out sometime…
so once you login use a click activity outside the scope buddy , that would work for sure,only if you are able to select the button CREATE AN INVOICE as a element

Try this and let know buddy @balkishan

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I did the same way bro, but it throwing me an error timeout…

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Fine now use a on element appear and increase the timeout than 30s default buddy and put delaybefore property with some seconds in click activity
we can sort this out buddy
Cheers @balkishan

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Bro, Again I have to use On Element Appear? As I used for first credentials page. So again I have to use for second page means after login page.

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Yes buddy @balkishan, you are correct, because the element scope will change buddy…so we cannot use the new click activity within the first element scope, so create a new elemnt appear , and that would work buddy , and dont forget to increase the timeOut MS property from default value of 30 s @balkishan

Try and let know buddy

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Did that work buddy @balkishan

Hi @balkishan

Like what I sent you privately, I used Element Exists activity instead of On Element Appear because it is more suitable on the scenario you are facing.

Thanks and regards,

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@Palaniyappan Thanks a lot bro :slight_smile:

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