How to use delay in RE framework from Constant sheet within config file

How to use delay in RE framework from Constant sheet within config file

Excel Sheet Delay-

How to provide the value for delay in activity


Hi @vaibhav2.chavan

give a int variable and give the value as Cint(in_Config(“Shorttimedelay”).ToString

Ashwin S

When using RE Framework, you read the config file and store it in a dictionary variable. So depending on where you want to call this dictionary, you can get the Delay short value by new TimeSpan(cInt(Config(“DelayShort”))), or new TimeSpan(Cint(in_Config(“DelayShort”))) or new TimeSpan(CInt(io_Config[“DelayShort”]))

@AshwinS2 - I tried but getting error-

Hi @vaibhav2.chavan

give the variable in timespan instead of int

Ashwin S

@AshwinS2 - After changing the variable as TimeSpan getting error-

@RobertD - This is working fine but when i did the log message i’m getting the time span in the format - “00:00:00.0001000”, so its correct?

00:00:00.0001000 that’s a delay of 0.1 seconds, since
1 second = 1000 milliseconds

@RobertD - Thank you so much for clarification.

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