I am have normal workflows (process) in projects. I need to use Config file(Excel) but with out RE framework. How to achieve this?
Hi @balanirmalkumar.s ,
yes you can use config file for normal process without using RE-Framework
so what you need you do is
Step 1: open a normal RE-Framework template , copy “initAallSettings Workflow” from there
Step 2: Paste in your Normal workflow , before your code
Step 3 : Pass respective arguments in import arguments
Please do let me know, if this works. Thanks!
Yes you can but, why not use REFramework? You can modify it to almost every type of use case.
If you can explain the use case I can suggest a better approach here.
hie @balanirmalkumar.s share a zip file with you to work with config in normal sequence not in REFramework
Read_Config_File.zip (2.7 KB)
cheers Happy Automation
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