How to use Config file in normal sequence (Process) project with out RE framework

I am have normal workflows (process) in projects. I need to use Config file(Excel) but with out RE framework. How to achieve this?

Hi @balanirmalkumar.s ,

yes you can use config file for normal process without using RE-Framework

so what you need you do is
Step 1: open a normal RE-Framework template , copy “initAallSettings Workflow” from there
Step 2: Paste in your Normal workflow , before your code
Step 3 : Pass respective arguments in import arguments

Please do let me know, if this works. Thanks!

@Vibhor.Shrivastava @Rohit_Radhakrishnan


Yes you can but, why not use REFramework? You can modify it to almost every type of use case.

If you can explain the use case I can suggest a better approach here.

hie @balanirmalkumar.s share a zip file with you to work with config in normal sequence not in REFramework (2.7 KB)

cheers Happy Automation

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