The difference between classification fields in an ML model & Intelligent Keyword Classifier is that classification fields within an ML model classify field level values within a document, where as keyword classifier classifies document types.
You can also use machine learning classifier as well. You should consider using the Machine Learning Classifier if:
- Your need to classify the single documents into different document types. No splitting is required.
- The custom document types are very similar. A trained Machine Learning Extractor can differentiate more easily between two similar document types than the Intelligent Keyword Extractor.
You can find a simple description of classifying documents using intelligent keyword classification here:
Finally can you elaborate your 50 document types? Do they have the same fields to extract or are they mutually exclusive documents with new and distinct fields for each document?
If you have 50 document types with the same fields to be extracted, you can train one machine learning model using document understanding. You can refer the article on how to train high performing models here: