How to use azcopy to upload files onto azure portal

I need to use azcopy command instead of azure activities in uipath. If anyone using azcopy command please suggest how to use it.


One of the easiest way is to use the azure activities

If that was not allowed then you can try using Powershell Script

PowerShell script: Download and extract the latest AzCopy (Windows 64-bit) executable into a specified folder – Wim Matthyssen(Windows%2064,executable%20into%20a%20specified%20folder&text=AzCopy%20is%20a%20free%20command,from%20and%20to%20Azure%20storage.

Once you are ready with the script you can use Invoke powershell activity

Hope this may help you


@Srini84 - This link is useful for azcopy tool installation in server… but to copy the file i need ps script which is not available. Thanks


Maybe you can try below link

Hope this may help you


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Use AzCopy to upload data to Azure Blob Storage ( it is working

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