How to use Adobe pdf services activity for splitting pdf

Hi Team,

Anyone have idea about how to use Adobe pdf services activity for splitting pdf on basis of size?
I have downloaded below activity,

Team, Please let me know if anyone know how to use this activity for split?

Hi @Smitesh_Aher2 ,
Any specific reason you are not looking to use UiPath PDF Activity to split pdf?

Hi @sudster , Thanks for your response.

I want to split the pdf on basis of size. So, can you please explain me how we can split?



If the pdf document is largely homogenous, for a 5 page 10MB document, each page would be roughly 2MB. Or is there more to it?

page size is not same.

For eg:- 20 pages pdf size is 85mb then, sometime 1st page size will be as 10mb , 2nd page size will be as 2mb, …

Means we can’t say size of page will be same every time.

So, if you extract all 20 pages, you’ll know the size of each page.