How to use 2 element exist in one flow decision of flowchart

this is 2error comes on my page … sometime it gives me first error …
so how can i use 2 condition in one flow decision?

i already used element exist for both of the error…


How about the following?

First, put parallel activity with condition property True.
Then put Element Exists activity for each error case. It’s better to put Element Exists for success if there is some element in only no error case. Let’s say err1Exists, err2Exists and successExists in each Result property and there variable should be set False in advance. Timeout of Element Exists should be modified if necessary.


The condition of FlowDecision will be the following.

If there is no element which we can detect success, err1Exists OrElse err2Exists .
True is error case.

If there is some element which we can detect success, successExists .
True is success case.


Use pick activity with multiple pick branch activities depending on how many scenarios you have


robot will perform the relevant action depending on which element exists first

If both elements doesnt exist after a time period, it will timeout

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can you share me this file?


Here you are. (As it’s just a sample, you need to modify it for your environment.)

Sequence.xaml (15.9 KB)


why there is 2 parallel? activity?
and also tell me why you add 3 element exists in first parallel activity?

and also i am using text exists instead of element exists


why there is 2 parallel? activity?
and also tell me why you add 3 element exists in first parallel activity?

As i mentioned, if there is some element in only no error case, it’s better for performance to check it using Element exists. (Because if there is no element for success, we need to wait timeout of ElementExists)

If there is no element in only no error case, please use 2 element exists activities instead of 3 activities.


still i am getting some error …
this is my work flow ,

i added this in parallel activity

this is the condition what i have added in flow decision

this error is coming

am i doing right?


Do you find which activity throw exception? Text Exists or other?
We can know it if run debug mode.


text exists


Can you try ElementExists instead of TextExists?
It will be good the selctor is partial string which can be identified as unique like

aaname='*Your response to the CAPTHA*'

Or if there isn’t this element (Div error_display) in success case, it might be good, just single element exists activity without any text but id.


thanks for your help :slight_smile:
its working

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