How to upload multiple folders on sharepoint

I have eml files which are saved in local , I am able to read the subject and from address with read saved email to object activity. Now I have 10 sharepoint sites. I have to create the folder based on the subject in the eml file move that eml file into that created folder and upload it to the sharepoint site (to address of eml file = sharepoint site url mappiing is there in excel)
ex : if eml file to address is , the folder created with that subject goes to www.sharepoint Sharepoint site.

Here how do I pass subject name to create sharepoint folder at the particular site


  1. Do you have access to all of those shareoint sites?
    If yes

Then site url and corresponding document library name can be made variables and pass them dynamically for each file

And also the create folder will help you create the folder

But before that in each site where you want to create the folder? Because you need to first use find files or folder to get the base location to create folder


Hey @Anil_G
I have access to those sites
from EML file output which is a mail message.
Created a variable subject = emloutput.subject
Now I am giving this subject to for each and in for each I take an create folder activity
passing this subject variable to folder name.
I am getting this error. Create Folder: The request is malformed or incorrect.
Also I am getting the output subject varible when passed it to for each is
ex subject – Kindly aprrove
output is

This is how it was creating folders. I am testing this on only 1 site for testing


If you are getting thw subject then you dont need to give it loop

Ideally you need to loop through eml files and inside loop use currentitem.subject to get subject for each file and use create folder and also in create folder as specified you need to give the base folder loxation as deive item which you will get using find files/folders qctivity


I am a bit confused.
I have seen a video in youtube on sharepoint. In the Azure portal > Azure active directory> App registration> New registration > anyname given.
There we get client id, tenant id and application secret. Under API permissions we have to give permissions. copy client id tenant id and pass them in microsoft office scope
Is this process necessary, does the client provide all of those.

Is there any other way to create folder and upload files.
I have almost 10 sites and based on the email I have to redirect to that site and create folder and upload file.
Any Suggestions


You have to create that …or you can go with integration services for authentication


Thank you, that means we can work without using microsoft scope right.


If you upgrade they even support integration services …in scope so should be good without azure app


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