How to Upload File to Sharepoint's root foler and specific subfolder?

Hey Profession,

I am now having a Sharepoint Site, its root folder is “RO_RPA” and siteurl is

under the root folder there is 4 subfolders which are “SIT”, “UAT”, “DEV”, “PROD”. now, I have a pdf at my local driver. How can I upload it to

  • Root folder which is the same level of the 4 subfolders
  • into subfolder of “UAT”

I am using the “Find Files and Folders” & “Upload File” within the Microsoft Office 365 Scope Activity but I just do not know how to put the properties. Could anyone help me?

Many thanks!


in find files and folders

sp url -
Document Library - RO_RPA ( I hope this is the document library…generally it would be documents by default)

For root folder leave sub folder and query field empty…then you would get root folder drive item

For uploading into uat use query as uat and leave sub folder blank again

the obtained driveitem can be used in upload file activity

Note: If Docuemnt library is Docuemnts then RO_RPA will be the query for first root folder case and RO_RPA will be the the sub folder for uploading into UAT case

Hope this helps


Thanks Anil for your reply. I came across with issues duing the process.

For root folder, if I left both properties in Input empty (Query/Subfolder), I use a variable “singlelocation” put at Output/First. after processing, I found file be uploded to “DEV” subfolder instead of root folder.

For “UAT” subfolder, I put “UAT” at query and “singlelocation” put at Output/First. after processing, it remind “Find files and folders” activity is facing generalException. Message: General exception while processing inner error.


Can you please open the exception from locals panel and check what the error is?

And for root folder…I guess we are directly not able to upload there…there should be atleast one folder under it…you are getting dev because that is the first folder in your root folder

Try to get parent id and then we have to use it in get file/folder activity as input to get the root folder which can be used to upload the item

Hope this helps


thanks for you explanation and I guess we just cannot upload to the document library directly.

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