I think about how to deal with this case if i want to stamp value into a cell by filter data
as you see this is my excel data and then how can i stamp value into a cell by easy way concept by using something like WHERE in then stamp data to target cell.
The result will be like this
as you see i need to stamp ‘yes’ in column ‘complete’ by search data if column ‘name’ equal ‘john’
or if i want to update ‘yes’ data into where column ‘name’ equal ‘kean’ how can i do it?
Hi @lovepong66 ,
check with the below LINQ expression!
DtClone= readDt.Clone
(From d In readDt.AsEnumerable
Let u =If(d(“name”).toString.equals(“kean”),“yes”,string.empty)
Select DtClone.Rows.Add(New Object(){d(0),d(1),u})).CopyToDataTable
You can try this query in order to update the completed column based on the name:
Invoke Code:
row("complete") = If(row("name").ToString.Equals(nameString),"yes",row("complete").ToString)
End Sub)
You can replace the nameString entity with the desired data from the name column & the query will update the complete column for the same name accordingly.
I think LINQ is powerful for helping developer to do many thing and i think your reply is works for this issue 100% by the way i just get in RPA for 6 months actually i thought easiest way for me should be something that easy to understand for newbie
after use read range i got the dt datable for using then i use Filter Data activities for filter and my concept is after filter i know there is will only one left record for me … and then i tried to use Write Cell Activities to up date into specific column row but the problems is it stamp on wrong row
That why i posted for any solutions if you need to solve this problem it like the open answer because
believe it so many way to do this.
Hi @lovepong66, I think you are dealing with the attended automation. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
You want to set “yes” value in the complete column when you searched for a name and if it is exist.
String Input = Your searched value
newDt = Dt.clone
newDt = If(Dt.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(x) x(1).ToString.ToLower.Equals(Input.ToString.ToLower)), (From d In Dt.AsEnumerable
Let x = If (d(1).tostring.tolower.equals(Input.ToString.ToLower), “Yes”,Nothing)
Let y = New Object(){d(0),d(1),x}
Select newDt.Rows.Add(y)).CopyToDataTable, Dt).
Oh i got it not testing yet but i’m sure it works!! it seem like so many step to do for just update data function … then i think i should be pick the way of invoke code is the best for to this.