If this is my input excel file and all of the data added to queue …
In this case “id: 1” is done , now its fetching the “id:2” data from queue but suddenly application got close in which i want to send this data…
now i want to update the status for that “id:2” data to “Error”
On the “Success” sequence, you’ll only need to type the current Row (you can use for example the io_TransactionNumber to define the row number) the “Done” status.
On the “Business Exception” sequence, you’ll do exactly the same, but with status “Failed” for example.
And if an application crashes, you’ll be going through the “System Exception” sequence, therefore, you’ll do the same, but with “Failed” status.
to do it just throw an assign and do something like this:
The read range will read your input file, and the Assign will create a DataTable with the same structure, but no data, so you can fill it with your results:
2 - Access “Set Transaction Status” and create the StatusReport argument, with type: In/Out - DataTable. Also change the default in_TransactionItem variable from QueueItem to DataRow:
Where ArrayRow value is {in_TransactionItem(0).ToString,in_TransactionItem(1).ToString,"Failed"}, and “Failed” will be different in each one of that 3 sequences (Success, BRE, SE).
Hope it helps! I know it might be a bit too much info!