How to unblock content (java script) when add a html page into URI of a custom input activity

Hi guys,
I have a HTML display some date time text fields and need to embed this page into a custom input activity (like image attached)
But when I run file, the system always displays message as yellow block, if I don’t click on it and select Allow block content, this page can not load my code java script correctly.
On the setting of IE browser, I set allow active content from computer but does not effect
How can I set allow block content automatically and when run program, the system does not display that message?
Anyone can help me to passing this issue, please? Thank you so much

I’m searching for a solution, but there is something which we can do. Please try to google the issue @ngocvk. Don’t think as I’m just asking you to do that you already know, but I have tried to the solution which we have in one of the blog. You can try doing some of them

Yesss :), I am finding the better solution :). I tried using Create forms activity of UiPath but it’s under my expectation because can not handle the the calendar as I want :slight_smile:

Hi there, can anybody give me a short update since it seems you have solved the problem?
I have exactly the same issue right now.


Edit: Nevermind, I found a solution. Just add:

"<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet – >

in front of your html code.