How To Troubleshoot Robot Licensing Error "Cannot Acquire License" ?

The Robot can not run because it is not connected to Orchestrator. In the UiPath Assistant, error "Cannot acquire license". Also, if Studio is started and it is required to connect to Orchestrator, the same error "Cannot acquire license" is thrown.

Note: This article does not apply if Studio / Robot is activated using a stand-alone license.

In order to use Studio or the Attended or Unattended Robot, the product must be activated. When the license is intended to be enforced via Orchestrator, then the product (either Studio or the Robot) must have an open communication to Orchestrator. See the About Licensing page and the Studio license activation page.

If the communication is blocked in any way, the license cannot be retrieved and the error message "Cannot acquire license" is returned either via Studio or the UiPath Assistant.

To troubleshoot this, consider the following possible causes:

  1. Confirm with the UiPath license document that the license enables to activate products like Studio or the Robot. See more details on the Licensing page. Also, confirm that the license allows for activation via Orchestrator and is not, in fact, a stand-alone license (that does not allow the usage of Orchestrator).
  2. If various network protection technologies are used, like firewalls or proxy, make sure that the communication to the recommended endpoints is allowed, as per the "Services the Robot connects to" page.
  3. From the UiPath Assistant, navigate to Orchestrator settings, make sure that you are using the connection type corresponding to the Robot authentication settings as configured in Orchestrator. See the guide for Connecting Robots to Orchestrator and the guide for Robot Authentication.

If troubleshooting the above aspects doesn't result in a successful connection between the product and Orchestrator, collect the following data and attach it to a support ticket to UiPath Support:

  1. Use the Diagnostics Tool to collect data about the Robot/Studio.
  2. Use Fiddler to capture the HTTP communication between the local product (Studio/Robot) and Orchestrator (either deployed as on-premise or via UiPath Automation Cloud). See the article: using Fiddler to collect data.