How to trigger the process at 8 AM at 27th and 28th and 29th of every month?

How to trigger the process at 8 AM at 27th and 28th and 29th of every month? using custom cron expression

0 0 8 27,28,29 * ? *

feel free and play with:


0 0 8 27-29 * *
  • 0 (Seconds) - The job will trigger at the 0th second.
  • 0 (Minutes) - The job will trigger at the 0th minute.
  • 8 (Hours) - The job will trigger at 8 AM.
  • 27-29 (Day of month) - The job will trigger on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of the month.
  • * (Month) - The job will trigger every month.
  • * (Day of week) - The job will trigger every day of the week.

Hi @Naveen_Kanike

Try this Cron:

0 0 8 27,28,29 * ? *

Hope it helps!!

Explore with this tool the schedules, especially for a february which is not in a leap year;jsessionid=node01nsyjuvsk24xetzlfgkcayoe21983546.node0?0

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